Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Where to buy your repitle from

Today, you will learn the reasons you should not buy a reptile from a pet store and some booths at reptile shows.

When you are in the market for a reptile your first instinct may be to go to your local pet store. This is not always the best place to go. Why, you ask. The answer is very simple. Most pet stores buy their reptiles from an importer. An importer is someone that removes them from the wild and sells them to the stores at wholesale. The majority of these animals have disease and health problems that may cause death if not dealt with right away. The funny thing is that the pet store will not typically tell you where they bought the reptiles from, and in some cases might not even know themselves where they came from. This fact holds true for some venders at your local reptile shows. I am not trying to tell you that all the venders are selling wild caught animals just that you should ask them for some form of proof they are not wild caught. If the offer for a reptile seems too good to be true then it is probably a wild caught. A breeder would not sell their reptiles for a really low price. This is another good indicator.

So, if you are a person who does not care about all that. There are a few things you can look for to determine if the reptile is in good health.
1. Is the color bright and vibrant?
2. Are the eyes glossy and clear?
3. When you hold the reptile is it wheezing?
4. Is the animal alert and responsive to you when being held, or is it just sitting or lying there?
5. Is the skin tight or is it hanging off?

You can also ask the vendor or pet store when it was last fed. You may even request them to feed it for you while you’re there to see if it takes the food. Ask them how long they have had it, how old is it.

Ok, so now you bought your reptile and have it at home. If you have other reptiles of the same species DO NOT put them together. You need to quarantine you new pet from all others. Schedule an appointment with your local vet and have him check the stool for parasites. If they find parasites, go online and buy some Parazap. This will remove them and even help your snake with other problems that you may not see. After you have quarantined the reptile for about a month and have not seen or noticed any health problems then you are in the clear.

So, good luck with your new pet and make sure to pick up some books and do some online research to find out everything you can about their habitat and their favored food.

If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me through my site and I will do my best to answer them.

Eric Rovegno

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the advice I will check. Again thanks!